
Simone Educational Center

New Cambridge Qualifications Session!

A new successful year alongside British Council.

The enrollment for the new Cambridge Qualifications session has started!

– the last enrollment day 26.09.2022:

IELTS 01-10-2022
1070 RON

– the last enrollment day 23.09.2022:

KET 05-11-2022
440 RON
PET 05-11-2022
540 RON

– the last enrollment day 01.10.2022:

FCE 12-11-2022
740 RON
CAE 12-11-2022
755 RON

– the last enrollment day will be announced for:

YLE 01-10-2022
350 RON

For more details, we will be waiting for you in our center, Ion Maiorescu Street, No. 4, Proiect Building, 6th floor.